Thought of the day: “All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called YOU.”

How to Supercharge Your Company’s Brand Awareness with LinkedIn Pulse

How to Supercharge Your Company’s Brand Awareness with LinkedIn Pulse

Over the years, LinkedIn has evolved from a fairly simple site where people shared their resume online to a thriving network of engaged professionals. Much of this transition to a far more dynamic environment has been driven by content. LinkedIn has added a number of features over the years that allow people to publish and engage with different types of content. The most notable example of this is Pulse. With LinkedIn Pulse, you can establish yourself as an industry thought leader and get your content in front of the type of people who can help move the needle for your business.

4 Benefits of LinkedIn Pulse

The first benefit of posting content on Pulse is increased visibility. Not only will more people see your content, but it will be the right kind of people seeing it. As mentioned above, the next benefit of building a presence through Pulse is establishing thought leadership in your industry. This can open up all kinds of new opportunities.

The third benefit of LinkedIn Pulse is the ability to grow your network. Because you have control over what content you’re publishing, you’ll attract the kind of people you want into your network. Finally, LinkedIn Pulse provides a great way to engage with your network. Interacting with people on a regular basis will make those relationships all the more valuable.

Getting Started with LinkedIn Pulse

Now that I’ve covered why LinkedIn Pulse is definitely worth your time and attention, I want to share a few tips for getting started with this content channel. The first tip is to think about a broad theme for your Pulse. While you can cover a variety of topics in the articles you share, having an overall focus will keep people coming back for more.

The next tip is to put extra time into formatting your articles. Given the power that Pulse has to spread great content, there are plenty of people competing for attention. That’s why it’s so important to have a great headline and ensure your introduction hooks people to read all the way to the end. You’ll also want to close with a strong call to action.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with integrating different kinds of media. LinkedIn makes this easy to do with a single click, so think of ways to enhance your content by adding different elements like images, videos or even slides.

If you want to be sure that you’re using features like LinkedIn Pulse in the most effective way to market your business, learn more about how I can help with social media strategy and management.


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